FSSP Priest’s First Solemn Mass This Thursday in Los Angeles

4:07 ص
This Thursday, as part of the 2019 CCW Sacred Music Symposium currently going on in Los Angeles, the participants will sing at the first Solemn Mass of a newly-ordained priest of the FSSP, Fr Luc Poirier. The setting will be Palestrina’s Missa Jam Christus, which is based on a famous hymn tune; the Agnus Dei will be the exquisite Mille Regretz (6-voice) by Fr Cristóbal de Morales. The ceremony will take place at the San Fernando Mission Church, located at 15151 San Fernando Mission Boulevard, Mission Hills, California, starting at 7pm.

source https://dtt2.blogspot.com/2019/11/fssp-priests-first-solemn-mass-this.html

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